Have you attempted CPT and are excited about your upcoming CA Intermediate preparations? Cracking CA Intermediate in the first attempt with All India Rank is a dream of every aspirant because it is this result that gets you into a good CA firm for your article ship which is a stepping stone towards a prosperous career.
Let us formulate the strategy for clearing the exams and clearing your doubt of ‘How can I study for CA Inter’.
When Should You Start Preparing For CA Inter?
Start your preparation within a week of your CPT results. Yes! You should start your preparation as soon as results are out and you should be crystal clear that which books and faculty you should follow for your preparations towards CA exam so that you finish your preparations early to have ample time in your hands fopr the self study and revision
Which Group to Appear for in CA Inter?
It is completely on the student whether he/she wants to appear for both group or single group But it is always advisable to appear for both groups.
Advantages of Appearing Both Groups Together :
Claim Set-Off
Set off can be claimed if a student appears for both groups. For Example: If a student appears for both groups and he gets 195/400 in 1st group and gets 210/400 in 2nd group, then in this case out of 800 he gets 405, and therefore he gets a set-off of marks and he qualifies both groups as he scores desired minimum score of 50%. That is why this is one of the main deciding factors whether to appear for a single group or for both groups.
Aim All India Rank
ICAI awards AIR to top 50 students of country. One of the criteria of AIR is that student should have appeared and qualified both groups together. Thus, If you will appear for both groups only then you can aim for getting All India Rank .
How to Study For Both Groups?
Give focus and emphasis to all the subjects instead of giving focus on just 1 or 2 subjects so that you can score desired 50% marks in all the subject.which will lead you to qualify both groups
Should I Opt for Coaching or Self-Study?
Nothing can defeat self-study but at the same time we must appreciate efforts put in by the professional faculty members who helps in making the subject easy, follow routine, covering the subject in the manner that not only one acquires adequate knowledge but also qualifies the exam. Nowadays online coaching is the latest trend and craze with students which saves hell lot of travelling time and a student can gets enough time to do self-study. One of the most popular and trending online coaching academy is “Unacademy” which boosts of many many experienced faculty members like CAJOHAR, one among many others. “Unacademy” will cover full syllabus of all 8 subjects of CA Inter in 6-7 months and you will have sufficient time in hand to do the self-study and revision as well.
Advantages of Joining Unacademy Coaching Classes:
- It will provide online classes with very low data consumption.
- Uacademy provides you live coaching classes for all subject at very competitive fees. Further discount of 10% can be availed by applying discount code of CAJOHAR
- No restriction is imposed by Unacademy on the number of times recorded classes can be viewed and student is free to view any recorded class as many number of times as one wishes.
- Speed of recorded class can be controlled by the student as there are multiple speed options to play the class ranging from 1.25X to 2X. this helps student to learn and understand the subject at their own pace and speed

Which Books and Study Material Should I Follow?
There is no dearth of books and study material but It is advisable to refer and follow books provided by your coaching classes and modules given by ICAI. These books can help you score good marks in exams. Out of all 8 subjects, subject of taxation in Group1 is a very lengthy paper and is believed to be the toughest. Therefore, its important to make separate hand notes for GST and Direct tax which will be very helpful for you during revision.
How to Prepare Practical and Theory Subjects of CA Inter Have?
Practical Subject
It is important to solve all the practical questions/sums in a notebook, which helps a student to have concept clarity and helps you to have command over the subject
Theory Subject
Preparing own hand notes of what was taught in class just after the class gets over will help you retain all topics in mind and will be very beneficial and helpful while doing revision.
How Many Times Shall I Solve Mock Test Papers?
Mock tests are organized by ICAI within a month prior to examination. These tests are similar to questions papers designed by ICAI. It is stronglr recommended to all to appear in these mock tests as solving these test papers one can overcome emotions like panic, fear and anxiety which one may face while appearing for CA exams. Moreover, you even overcome the negative thoughts it boosts your confidence and you learn time management. You should also attempt RTPs, past year question papers, MTPs of at least last 5 attempts so that you get a grip over question pattern and gain confidence, as it will give you insight of your preparation.
Avoid Distractions
- It is recommended to restrict the use of mobile phones and try to follow social media for only latest news and updates.
- It is important to develop a habit to wake up early and learn your lesson, as it will help you to retain your lessons for a longer period of time
Revision Should be Done Thoroughly
- It is very important to revise all your lessons thoroughly, as it’s the most important part of your study. You should make a proper schedule so that you can cover all your subjects. It is very important to revise each lesson minimum five times so that you can retain it well for a longer period of time.
Maintain good habits
It is important to maintain healthy habits like having nutritious diets and avoiding junk foods
- Meditating every day and doing breathing exercises on daily basis helps you to increase your concentration power.
“Happy learning and good luck for future endeavors“